We’re halfway through May and I’ve had a realization. I’m in a reading slump. I’ve barely read anything for a few months now, and when I am reading, I’m not being completely captured by the stories or the characters. Am I reading the wrong books or is it me?

Let’s see if we can break it down. I can really remember being absolutely enthralled by a book in February when I was reading House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J Maas. Is it possible that finishing that has put me in a slump? Absolutely, especially given the ending of that book. Since then, I’ve read a few really great books, one book that was enjoyable, and one book I couldn’t finish.

 I’m currently reading The Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. It’s enjoyable and I can see why so many people like it, but once again I’m finding myself fine with putting the book down and not knowing when I’ll be able to pick it back up. I find myself questioning if I’m going to enjoy it enough to need to read the whole series right away, or will I pick up a something completely different after?

I leave for a week long vacation at the end of May. I would love to use that time to try and break out of this slump, but what will do it? Do I need to read a quick cute romance? Do I need an epic fantasy? The answer is I have no idea. Another thing that can put me in a slump is the format of what I’m reading. I go through phases of what I need to read, Kindle of physical. Recently, I’ve been very into reading physical books, but I’ve spent a week at my parents’ house and all I’ve really got is my Kindle. No matter how good the story is I won’t enjoy it if I’m not enjoying the format I’m reading on.

I need a plan before I leave, and I’ve got a week to pack my bags. Usually, I bring a bag just for books to bring on vacation. I’m trying to be more practical. I’m going to be gone a week, we won’t only be sitting by a pool, and I always visit Barritt’s Books and get books while I’m in Virginia Beach. Let’s see if I can figure this out before I go.